Thursday, March 21, 2013

Bucharest, and a story i forgot

So I forgot to mention something that happened in Paris last week. My friend Wendy and I were walking the street sort of late and a bit outside Paris. We left the metro station and found ourselves on an empty street. There was a group of about 6 so we were really outnumbered. They started throwing rocks and possibly bottles. Not sure but I know the rocks were big and one came really close to hitting us. We ducked into a parking lot and I found a pipe I could use if necessary but luckily they didn't follow us into the lot. This was the only time so far I felt a bit in danger.

And Bucharest!  The food is cheap, beer is cheap, transportation is cheap, and the hostel is $12 a night. The hostel I'm staying at is sort if a meditation center. They only host 12 people at a time so everyone becomes instant friends. The owner has done meditation retreats and has turned it into a very relaxing environment. It has been a great 4 or 5 days (not even sure how long I've been here) and I'm starting to figure out what's next for me.  I have some goals for the next 6 months that I'm excited about. Some include putting more effort into learning French, meditating daily, and climbing the Grand Wall in Squamish this August.

My favorite Bucharest moment so far has been at the Turkish restaurant I've been frequenting. The chef fired up a cigarette as he was prepared my meal. I thought it was a refreshing attitude and really represents the general attitude of everyone here. That would never fly in the states. There would probably be a lawsuit. I could get used to this lifestyle.

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